Praise: I am so thankful for the faithfulness of the older generation of believers. Several years ago, a friend of mine pointed out to me what an example the senior citizens of our church are to us younger families. They faithfully served the Lord for many years in several areas of church ministry. Now that […]
Praise: I am so thankful for the patience of God. I am slow to hear and learn, but yet He lovingly instructs and guides. “Zapping” is not His first choice of correction. Ponderings: I am going out on a limb here. What I have been pondering for a long time is not popular. Let me start with […]
Praise: Thank you for praying for Landon’s hand. This was the first day that he did not moan in pain at some point during the day. Penny-pinching: There is a Value World coupon out this week in the sale papers that come in the mail! Great for back to school shopping. =) My kids report […]
Playfulness: One of my children loves statistics. This child has created a friendometer to determine which person to like. Based upon the level of kindness exhibited during conversations, this child puts others in order on a scale. One particular friend has a 0.9874 (98.74%). If this friend speaks kindly tomorrow at church, my child will have determined who to like. =) Kids are hilarious.
Praise: We are having a great summer. I am so thankful for this time with my kids. I am also thankful that I can honestly say that. It hasn’t always been that way. Prayer: Landon injured his pointer finger on his left hand almost a week ago. It was improving, but tonight he seems to have […]
Playfulness: Confession-I just now remembered my password to my blog. If you have wondered why I haven’t been posting, that is part of the reason. =) The other reason-busyness. Honestly, it is much quicker to post praises, prayer requests, silly sayings, etc. to Facebook. I really would like to get back into blogging and less […]