Praise/Blessing: We were given several Adventures in Odyssey videos today. Landon’s response, “I’ve been dying to buy one of those, and you got them for free!” Thank you generous giver!!!! It was a good lesson in how God sometimes gives us even the little things that we wish we could have, but don’t need.

Prayer: I have a friend who just had an emergency appendectomy. She has 4 children. I am not posting her name, because I have not asked permission to do so. Thankfully, God knows her name.

Playfulness: Darren started holding onto the back of my sweater while I was walking down our hallway this afternoon. I asked him, “What are you doing?” He replied, “Mommy Surfing!” Another benefit of having hardwood floors instead of carpet. Socks make for indoor skates, or in this case, a surfboard?

Darren loves to imitate his older brothers. Sometimes, that is a bad thing. photo  Tonight, it was a cute thing.

Under the photos tab I have posted all of my picture-a-day photos. Unfortunately, they are not completely in order. I am still learning to use the site. =) These pics will probably be moved around a bit as I figure things out.

Penny-pinching: Occasionally, I will share some of my favorite online shopping sites. MyPoints is a site that you can earn points for reading emails, shopping, printing out coupons, playing games, etc. I have been a member of MyPoints since 2000. Over the past 14 years, I have earned hundreds of dollars in free gift cards. Usually, I get gift cards to restaurants for inexpensive dates. =) Sometimes, I have ordered home improvement gift cards for a renovation project. Recently, I have ordered gift cards for our vacation this year. Here is my link if you are interested in joining. Yes, I do get credit for people who join through my link. Feel free to ask questions!